<h2><span>Product Description</span></h2>
<p><strong><span>MeLE Cast S3</span></strong></p>
<p><span>It is the latest model of HDMI miracast dongle from MeLE, MeLE Cast S3 has much enchanced performance with external WiFi antenna compared to MeLE Cast S1.</span></p>
<li><span>Easy Setup, Easy Share</span></li>
<li><strong>MeLE Cast</strong></li>
<li><span>HDMI Streaming Media Player Miracast Dongle WiFi Display AirPlay DLNA EZCast Full HD and 1080P for iOS / Android / Windows / Mac</span></li>
<li><strong>Play Video/Music to TV</strong></li>
<li><span>MeLE Cast makes it possible to share video/music with your family at home wirelessly and easily from smart phone,tablet and notebook to TV.</span></li>
<li><strong>Portable Business Assist</strong></li>
<li><span>MeLE Cast makes it possible to display your presentation (Word, Excel, PPT) from smart phone, tablet and notebook to any TV screen with HDMI input.</span></li>
<li><strong>Play games on TV</strong></li>
<li><span>MeLE Cast makes it possible to enjoy existing games from smart phone, tablet and notebook to TV with better view and bigger screen.</span></li>
<li><strong>10 Meter WiFi Transmission</strong></li>
<li><span>MeLE Cast makes it possible to stay connected with your smart phone, table and notebook in 10 meters.</span></li>
<li><span>MeLE Cast S3 has much better enchanced performace with external WiFi antenna.</span></li>
<li><strong>Access to Professional APP</strong></li>
<li><span>MeLE Cast can be controlled by EZCast APP which can be downloaded from Google Play, App Store and Website with constant technical auto update notification and OTA.</span></li>
<h3><span>How to connect</span></h3>
<li>Connect MeLE Cast to HDMI input on your TV</li>
<li>Turn on MeLE Cast with connecting micro USB cable from micro USB port to USB host on your TV for power supply,</li>
<li>Connect smart phone, tablet or notebook to AP list with SSID “MeLE Cast-XXXXXXXX”</li>
<li>Launch EZCast application on smart phone, tablet or notebook to control MeLE Cast wirelessly.</li>
<h3><span>3 Kinds of Modes</span></h3>
<li><span style="font-size: 1em;">EZcast </span><span style="font-size: 1em;">(FireAir/AirPlay)</span></li>
<li>User can share media files (movie, music and documents) from mobile devices and notebook to TV and play in full high definition,</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 1em;">DLNA</span></li>
<li>User can share movie / music from online apps with DLNA supported to TV screen,</li>
<li><span style="font-size: 1em;">EZmirror </span><span style="font-size: 1em;">(Miracast/AirMiroror)</span></li>
<li>User can enjoy games from smart phone, tablet and notebook to bigger TV screen.</li>
<table border="0">
<p><strong>Size, Weight, Color</strong></p>
<li>Size: 86.0 mm x 31.0 mm x 8.5 mm</li>
<li>Weight: 19.5g</li>
<li>Color: Cool Black</li>
<p><strong>Hardware Spec</strong></p>
<td colspan="3">
<li>Chipset: AM8251</li>
<li>Operation System: Linux</li>
<li><span class="font7">SDRAM: </span><span>128MBDDR3</span></li>
<li>Nand Flash: 128 MB</li>
<li>Power Consumption: Main unit == 400mA@5V</li>
<li>Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n</li>
<p><strong>Operation System Supported</strong></p>
<td colspan="3">
<li>Android OS: Android 4.0 or more</li>
<li><span>Advanced version iOS: </span>iOS 6 or more</li>
<li>Advanced version Mac OS: Mac 10.7 </li>
<li>Windows OS: Windows XP / 7 / 8 / 10</li>
<p><strong>Protocol Supported</strong></p>
<td colspan="3">
<li>DLNA Support</li>
<li><span>EZ Air ( Airplay ) </span>Support </li>
<li>EZ cast Support </li>
<li>Miracast Support</li>
<p><strong>Media Supported</strong></p>
<td colspan="3">
<li>Video format ( EZ cast): MPEG 1/2/4/H.264/DivX4/5/6/XVID/VC1/RM/FLV/MOV/VOB/AVI/MKV/TS/WMV/MP4 </li>
<li>Video format ( DLNA): MPEG 1/2/4 / AVC / WVM9 Audio format MP3 / WMA / M4A ( only on iOS )</li>
<li>Photo format: JPG / JPEG / BMP / PNG / GIF</li>
<td colspan="3">
<li>Standard Micro USB Cable,</li>
<li><span>User Manual (Quick Start </span>Guide),</li>
<li>HDMI Extended Cable</li>
<li>Optional Power Adapter (USB Port; 5V/1A)</li>
<h2><span style="font-size: 1.5em;">Devices Supported with Android</span></h2>
<p><span>MeLE Cast has integrated HDCP TX and HDCP RX key, which ensures it to be compatible with miracast function of most of the android phones and tablets with popular brands. Here beiow is the list that MeLE technical team has testified.</span></p>
<div class="content">
<li>LG: LG G2, LG Optimus</li>
<li>Google: Google Nexus 4/5/6 Google Nexus 7ii (2013)</li>
<li>Sony: Sony Xperia ZR M36h</li>
<li>HTC: HTC New One</li>
<li>Lenovo: Lenovo A830</li>
<li>ZTE: ZTE Z5 or Mini</li>
<li>OPPO: OPPO Finds</li>
<li>Xiaomi: Xiaomi MI2/MI2A/MI2S</li>
<img src="http://www.vensys.by/media/catalog/product/s/m/smart-tv-stick-wifi-hdmi-dongle-mele-cast-s3-airplay-ezcast-miracast-mirror-dlna-wireless-display_adv_02.jpg" alt="MeLE Cast S3 It is the latest model of HDMI miracast dongle from MeLE, MeLE Cast S3 has much enchanced performance with external WiFi antenna compared to MeLE Cast S1. This is not Chocolate. Easy Setup, Easy Share MeLE Cast HDMI Streaming Media Player Miracast Dongle WiFi Display AirPlay DLNA EZCast Full HD and 1080P for iOS / Android / Windows / Mac" width="100%" /><br /> <img src="http://www.vensys.by/media/catalog/product/s/m/smart-tv-stick-wifi-hdmi-dongle-mele-cast-s3-airplay-ezcast-miracast-mirror-dlna-wireless-display_adv_03.jpg" alt="Play Video/Music to TV MeLE Cast makes it possible to share video/music with your family at home wirelessly and easily from smart phone,tablet and notebook to TV. Portable Business Assist MeLE Cast makes it possible to display your presentation (Word, Excel, PPT) from smart phone, tablet and notebook to any TV screen with HDMI input. Play games on TV MeLE Cast makes it possible to enjoy existing games from smart phone, tablet and notebook to TV with better view and bigger screen." width="100%" /><br /> <img src="http://www.vensys.by/media/catalog/product/s/m/smart-tv-stick-wifi-hdmi-dongle-mele-cast-s3-airplay-ezcast-miracast-mirror-dlna-wireless-display_adv_04.jpg" alt="10 Meter WiFi Transmission MeLE Cast makes it possible to stay connected with your smart phone, table and notebook in 10 meters. MeLE Cast S3 has much better enchanced performace with external WiFi antenna. Access to Professional APP MeLE Cast can be controlled by EZCast APP which can be downloaded from Google Play, App Store and Website with constant technical auto update notification and OTA." width="100%" /><br /> <img src="http://www.vensys.by/media/catalog/product/s/m/smart-tv-stick-wifi-hdmi-dongle-mele-cast-s3-airplay-ezcast-miracast-mirror-dlna-wireless-display_adv_05.jpg" alt="3 Kinds of Modes EZcast (FireAir/AirPlay) User can share media files (movie, music and documents) from mobile devices and notebook to TV and play in full high definition, DLNA User can share movie / music from online apps with DLNA supported to TV screen, EZmirror (Miracast/AirMiroror) User can enjoy games from smart phone, tablet and notebook to bigger TV screen. Devices Supported with Android MeLE Cast has integrated HDCP TX and HDCP RX key, which ensures it to be compatible with miracast function of most of the android phones and tablets with popular brands. Here beiow is the list that MeLE technical team has testified." width="100%" /><br /> <br /><img src="http://www.vensys.by/media/catalog/product/s/m/smart-tv-stick-wifi-hdmi-dongle-mele-cast-s3-airplay-ezcast-miracast-mirror-dlna-wireless-display_adv_06.jpg" alt="" width="100%" /></div>
Most Recent
witam ,czy moge podłaczyc do routera który ma dostep do netu i
poprzez niego ogladać tresci multimedialne np, na youtube ,netflix
,czy musi do tego być klawiatura z pilotem też z mele bo mam inny
zestaw który chciałbym podłączyc ?
by Allegro on May 5, 2019
Połączenia jak na zdjęciu, tzn, że S3 dostaję Internet od
routera, lecz telefon/tablet/PC już od S3 i dalej można oglądać
cokolwiek z Inetu.
by Allegro-VenSYS on May 6, 2019
Witam. Jestem bardzo zainteresowany (Smart TV Stick MeLE Cast S3 WiFi
HDMI Dongle DLNA) często oglądam filmy na netflixie lub na hbo go.
Czy to urządzenie jest wstanie mi zapewnić oglądanie filmów z tych
aplikacji? I czy jest wstanie obsłużyć internet 5Ghz?
by Allegro on Feb 20, 2019
Ten przedmiot nie jest komputerem, tylko odbiera sygnał wideo z
telefonu, tabletu, komputera do telewizora przez Wi-Fi.
Tzn, że wyżej wymienione aplikacje muszą wspierać Pana urządzenie.
by Sergiy on Feb 21, 2019
Witam,<br><br><br><br>czy urzadzenie z aukcji<br><br>http://allegro.pl/smart-tv-stick-wifi-hdmi-dongle-mele-cast-s3-airpl-i5858887804.html<br><br>daje mozliwosc przeniesienia bezprzewodowego obrazu z komputera PC<br><br>na telewizor? tzn czy bede widzial pulpit systemu windows na<br><br>telewizorze (pasek start ikony itp) czy urzadzenie daje tylko<br><br>mozliwosc korzystania z aplikacji lub widzenia samej przegladarki,<br><br>zalezy mi na szybkiej odpowiedzi chcialbym zakupic urzadzenie u<br><br>panstwa w sklepie osobiscie.
by _~_NUQ-182-87064 on Oct 5, 2016
<p>Witam.</p><br><br><p><span>"...daje mozliwosc przeniesienia bezprzewodowego obrazu z komputera PC </span><span>na telewizor?" - tak, za pomoca aplikacji ezCast.</span></p><br><br><p>Opis oraz wideo z instrukcja aplikacji znajduje sie <a href="https://www.iezvu.com/indexhelp.php?tt=1&l=en">tutaj</a>.</p><br><br><p>Pozdrawiam.</p>
by Admin on Oct 5, 2016
Nie wiem czy ten telefon wspiera te funkcje, dlatego wyslalem<br><br>zapytanie.<br>
by Rysiul_~_KKM-604-82716 on Oct 3, 2016
<p>Witam, </p><br><br><p>Prawdopodobnie musi dzialac.</p><br><br><p>Pozdrawiam</p>
by Admin on Oct 3, 2016
Witam , czy to urzadzenie jest kompatybilne z telefonem xiaomi mi4c ?
by fronczak78@gmail.com_~_NCZ-752-44222 on Sep 29, 2016
<p>Witam</p><br><br><p>Jezeli telefon wspiera Miracast, to <span>kompatybilne</span>.</p><br><br><p>Pozdrawiam</p>
by Admin on Sep 29, 2016
Witam,<br><br><br><br>Czy moge przez to podlaczyc Komputer z TV? Chcialbym wyswietlic<br><br>film z Komputeraz na TV bez uzycia kabla
Witam,<br><br><br><br>Czy jak podlacze telefon do urzadzenia MeLE Cast S3 przez wifi, to<br><br>na telefonie bede mial internet? Czy urzadzenie MeLE Cast S3 jest<br><br>w stanie polaczyc sie z routerem po wifi i z telefonem w taki<br><br>sposob, zeby podczas korzystania z streamingu z telefonu na TV, na<br><br>telefonie byl internet?<br><br><br><br>Pozdrawiam,<br><br>Michal.
by p.kolacz@8thv.com_~_QSD-039-31629 on Aug 18, 2016
<p>Witam,</p><br><br><p>tak, to jest mozliwe</p>
by Admin on Aug 18, 2016
Zakupilam sobie smart Tv to gdy posiadam iphone to bede mogla<br><br>korzystac z trybu airplay?
by jpzam1_~_OTI-293-06035 on May 3, 2016
<p>Witam,</p><br><br><p>tak, poprzez aplikacje <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ezcast/id677053215?mt=8" target="_blank"><span>EZCast</span></a></p>
by Admin on May 3, 2016
witam mam laptopa z windows 7 ale bez wi-fi i abym mogl tresci<br><br>przesylac z laptopa to co musze jeszcze dokupic?prosze o odpis i<br><br>pozdrawiam
by jpzam1_~_GVS-921-31265 on May 2, 2016
<p>Witam,</p><br><br><p>MeLE Cast S3 korzysta z Wi-Fi, dla tego laptop musi miec <a href="http://allegro.pl/listing/listing.php?order=p&string=USB+Wi-Fi+sieciowa" target="_blank">USB Wi-Fi dongle (karta sieciowa)</a>.</p>
by Admin on May 2, 2016
Witam, <br><br>Czy urzadzenie posiada oprocz wymienionych funkcji przegladarke<br><br>internetowa (internet w telewizorze).<br><br>Pozdrawiam i czekam na info.<br><br>KZ
by geneticseeds_~_JDM-193-14649 on Apr 12, 2016
<p>Witam,</p><br><br><p>MeLE Cast S3 - to jest tylko odbiornik sygnalu wideo przez Wi-Fi z komputera,<br />HTPC, tabletu lub komórki.<br />Tzn. ze Pan moze zainstalowac jakakolwiek aplikacje na domowym<br />komputerze/tablecie/komórce i dalej wysylac przy pomocy protokolu<br />EZCast wideo do S3 Cast podlaczonego przez HDMI do TV.</p>
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