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Bluetooth HiFi stereo Mus

PLN 116.00
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This Bluetooth Music Transmitter is highly cost-effective wireless stereo audio transmitter, it can make you listen to music on the Bluetooth speaker/Bluetooth headset from your TV/DVD/MP3 without cables. It can transmit the Audio signal to Bluetooth device wirelessly and automatically. What is more, it also can transmit your voice, you just speak into the microphone, and then your voice will be transmitted to Bluetooth receiving device.

Product Description

A new music Bluetooth transmitter! 

This is a second generation of our new Bluetooth transmitter. Has also not only functions of the first generation of Bluetooth transmitter: the TV high quality transmission, DVD voice out, but added new vocals, transmitted to the Bluetooth receiver function and keys to adjust the transmission of sound 2.1 

  • used high-quality CSR chip Bluetooth technology, with low power consumption, long distance, high quality stereo emission characteristics 
  • fingers gently a bit, can enjoy the high quality.
  • through the Bluetooth transmitting a TV sound to the family combined sound box, no need to worry about wiring troubles; 
  • via Bluetooth transmitting a TV sound to the Bluetooth Headset, night time can enjoy shock sound, no need to worry about disturbing other. 
  • the Bluetooth transmitter is not only suitable for families, but also suitable for lecture, conference speech. 
  • directly facing the product marks tuyere speak, will be able to speak AE to Bluetooth speaker, without worrying about the voice is too small, others can not hear my voice, never shout!

This Bluetooth Music Transmitter is highly cost-effective wireless stereo audio transmitter, it can make you listen to music on the Bluetooth speaker/Bluetooth headset from your TV/DVD/MP3 without cables. It can transmit the Audio signal to Bluetooth device wirelessly and automatically. What is more, it also can transmit your voice, you just speak into the microphone, and then your voice will be transmitted to Bluetooth receiving device.

It is very freely and relaxed.


  • Music/Voice switching, freely and relaxed;
  • Auto pairing, don't need manual operation;
  • Having compact and human-friendly design, beautiful outlook, it is very convenient to carry;
  • It can transmit the audio /voice signal from very long distance;
  • Super clear and fluent speech effect;
  • The inner Li-battery can bear long working time and has low power consumption;
  • Support Bluetooth receiving devices such as Bluetooth speakers, Bluetooth headset, Bluetooth receiver etc;



  • Bluetooth version: Bluetooth V2.1 + EDR, Class2;
  • Bluetooth profiles: A2DP & AVRCP;
  • Effective range: Up to 10 meters;
  • Stereo audio output: Transmit the audio signal to Bluetooth receiving device;
  • Power supply: Inner Li-battery;
  • Working time: up to 8hours;
  • Size: 50*25.5*11mm
  • Package Weight: 0.16kg
  • Package Size: 20cm x 15cm x 10cm

Package Includes

  • 1 X New Black Bluetooth Music Transmitter
  • 1 X USB Power Cable
  • 1 X 3.5mm Audio Cable
  • 1 X 3.5mm Audio Adapte
  • 1 X User Manual

How do use it?

A transmission of audio 

First, depends from configuration of audio line, use audio kable or metal audio adapter and insert please in the product of audio port and then use the audio line or the other end connector is inserted in the output you want TV, DVD, MP3 playback equipment products, audio output port. 

then, press the middle button switch products Bluetooth for about 5s, Bluetooth to receive sound box open at the same time Headset or Bluetooth, Bluetooth receiver equipment, our products can automatically search to Bluetooth receiving device, automatic pairing connection, voice transmission can via bluetooth! 

Two. Transmission voice 

If you want to speak human speech voice through the Bluetooth speaker amplification broadcast, only the audio line out Jack from the product, the product will automatically switch to the speech mode, you only need to the products of Mike opening speech! But you can't Cara OK concert Oh, because our design is the voice with music playing sound apart, if you put on the audio line, the product is entering the music playing mode, play music when it cannot send the sound of human speech!

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Witam. Szukam nadajnika (Nadajnik Bezprzewodowy Bluetooth Dzwieku,<br><br>Stereo Muzyki HiFi, Glosu, Kabel 3.5 Mm, A2DP & AVRCP Z Mikrofonem)<br><br>ktory widzialem na Panstwa stronie. Ewentualnie innego<br><br>odpowiedniego.<br><br>1. Czy jest dostepny?<br><br>2. Czy mozna uzyc go jako naglosnienie mobilne? Mam glosnik jbl<br><br>flip z wbudowanym bluetooth,em, I czy przy pomocy jakiegos mikrofonu<br><br>(jakiego?) moge dzieki waszemu odbiornikowi osiagnac powyzszy<br><br>rezultat? <br><br>Pozdrawiam.
<p>Witam,</p><br><br><p>1. Mamy na stanie, juz jest na Allegro: </p><br><br><table id="items-list" class="fb-listing table table-striped"><br><br><tbody><br><br><tr data-id="5702557168"><br><br><td width="64"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Nadajnik Bluetooth music glos 3.5 A2DP AVRCP mikro" width="64" height="48" /></a></td><br><br><td> <a href="">Nadajnik Bluetooth music glos 3.5 A2DP AVRCP mikro</a></td><br><br></tr><br><br></tbody><br><br></table><br><br><p>2.Dzwiek z analogowego zródla do BT glosników poprzez zlacze 3.5 mm mozna, ale z mikrofonu nie jestem pewien, dlatego ze sygnal wyjsciowy z mikrofony jest bardzo slaby</p>
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<p><span lang="PL">Witam,</span></p><br><br><p><span lang="PL">tak, to jest mozliwe, jesli podlaczyc nadajnik poprzez analogowy kabel do zlacza Audio Out (zielone)  3,5 mm w komputerze.</span></p>
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